Saturday, December 15, 2012

Nobel Gear

Turns out being invited to the Nobel Ceremony and Dinner isn't such an innocuous invitation as it may sound: One needs proper clothes to meet the Swedish King. Here's me, trying my best, still in Vienna, though.

I expect Al to look something like that (though maybe with a little more grey hair, meeting all those grad students and former students seems to have taken a toll...:) Note, however, that men have it much easier, they just send in their measurements, and, presto, white tie and tails and shoes appear...

On the morning of October 15, the day of the announcement, I jumped into my car to give Al a well deserved congratulations. Turns out I was not the only visitor at his house at 6:15 am, his living room looked like a news room! Here's a nice picture taken by Linda Cicero for Stanford
and check out the following Video...
Stay tuned for more pictures of this event!

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